
Kiriva Rose was born in Uganda on February 14, 2001. Her family is Catholic and they stay in the village of Njeru, located in the Buikwe district. Her parents are Peter & Elizabeth, and they struggle as peasant farmers to provide for their very large family. There are 16 people sharing their home, and Rose helps out with washing dishes, fetching water and digging (gardening). She passed her national exams and was promoted to the Senior 4 Class this year at Rehaboth High School, which is run by AOET. Rose tells us that her favorite subjects are history & agriculture, and she dreams of becoming a nurse when she grows up. In her spare time, she enjoys running, reading books, playing football (soccer) & netball, and listening to music. Rose asked if you would be praying for her to have success in school, abundant life and to be a forgiving person.